Hidden in My Heart {Part 1}
Accurately memorizing verses, chapters, and even whole books of the Bible, is how God’s Word becomes hidden in our hearts. Why should we hide His Word in our hearts? That we may be better witnesses, able to wield the Sword of the Lord with skill.
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalm 119:11
How wonderful it is to have a verse pop into your head when you’re about to give into temptation. If you have a specific problem in one area of your life, than memorizing a verse that is applicable to that problem will really help you to resist temptation.
Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me. Psalm 119:133
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 2 Timothy 3:16
Everyone has a different way of studying and memorizing verses. I have found that saying it out loud is the best way for me. Putting a verse to music is also an excellent way to memorize the Bible. My mom used to do that with my brother and I. We’d pick a verse to memorize, and then come up with a happy little tune to go with it. It was fun, and we learned the verse much faster than we normally would have.
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Titus 2:15
I encourage you to pick a verse, a chapter, or even a whole book, and memorize it. A good place to start might be one of the gospels, or perhaps one of the Psalms, or one of Paul’s letters, like Titus. Don’t be discouraged if it seems hard at first, or if it seems like you’ll never be able to memorize an entire book. The more you exercise your brain, the easier it will be to memorize long passages of scripture.
In Part 2 of Hidden in My Heart, we'll take a look at how to use our Sword when under spiritual attack.
In Part 2 of Hidden in My Heart, we'll take a look at how to use our Sword when under spiritual attack.
The great part about this giveaway is that you are all winners!
Yep! You read it right!
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by K.P.Yohannan
from the back of the book:
Asia’s Children Tell Their Stories in No Longer a Slumdog
“He would lock me in a small room with the animals. Days turned into weeks, and my stomach would growl. He never gave me enough to eat,” said Nadish. “Weeks turned into months, and my body would ache. The work was hard, and there was never enough time to rest. Months turned into years, and I began to think that this would never end.”
The children’s stories tell of going from a life of heartache and poverty to finding joy, laughter and a bright future. Despite the affliction these children face, Yohannan shows us there’s opportunity for change as many find new life in God‘s redeeming love.
No Longer a Slumdog inspires faith that a better tomorrow is truly possible.
This is a book that every American should read! Spend a few hours in an slum town by reading this book and your life will be changed!Especially great for those who are interested in mission work!
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Do not withhold it.
"Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so. Do not say to your neighbor, 'Go, and come back, and tomorrow I will give it,' when you have it with you."
--Proverbs 3:27-28
God has given each of us the power to reach out to people and help them in whatever way the Lord directs us to do. When a brother or sister in Christ is in need of anything, whether that be food, clothing, or simply just godly fellowship and/or council, if you have it, do not withhold it from them.
If we shut the door on a neighbor, we are shutting the door on Jesus Christ Himself. He gives the power to reach out to others and help them, and so by not helping them, we are not only shutting the door on Christ, we are shunning His gift! Do not be the one to shun the gift. But be the one to accept and share.
You could do a world of good, if you only accept.
--Proverbs 3:27-28
God has given each of us the power to reach out to people and help them in whatever way the Lord directs us to do. When a brother or sister in Christ is in need of anything, whether that be food, clothing, or simply just godly fellowship and/or council, if you have it, do not withhold it from them.
If we shut the door on a neighbor, we are shutting the door on Jesus Christ Himself. He gives the power to reach out to others and help them, and so by not helping them, we are not only shutting the door on Christ, we are shunning His gift! Do not be the one to shun the gift. But be the one to accept and share.
You could do a world of good, if you only accept.
Pretty Feet --- Guest Post by Schlyer
The ladies in my family like to keep their toenails polished and maintained. All of my friends do too. We paint our toenails all the colors of the rainbow. I grew up painting my great grandmothers toenails and to this very day when I see her they are always polished. It is not just my family and friends. America likes pretty feet. Watching commercials will further prove this. We have the Ped-Egg which removes dry skin and Dr.Scholl's has a variety of gel pads to take pressure off of the feet and prevent corns and bunions. We have a 20 billion-dollar a year manicure/nail care industry in the United States. The Bible describes beautiful feet to us in Romans 10:
"14 How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!"
For our feet to be truly beautiful in God's eyes we have to spread the good news and tell others about Him. In Biblical times, lots of traveling was done by foot and many of Jesus' disciples' feet were likely to be cracked, split, and have an array of other issues. In God's eyes their feet would look a whole lot better than many of our "polished piggies" right now because they constantly made their feet into tools for spreading His word. Use today to take the first step (no pun intended) towards making your feet a little more beautiful and share God's word with someone.
"14 How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!"
For our feet to be truly beautiful in God's eyes we have to spread the good news and tell others about Him. In Biblical times, lots of traveling was done by foot and many of Jesus' disciples' feet were likely to be cracked, split, and have an array of other issues. In God's eyes their feet would look a whole lot better than many of our "polished piggies" right now because they constantly made their feet into tools for spreading His word. Use today to take the first step (no pun intended) towards making your feet a little more beautiful and share God's word with someone.
"While the World is Mortal."
A few weeks ago, as I was praying, the Lord strung a few verses together, little pieces, and this is how it came out:
"Take your eyes from looking at worthless things, and keep your eyes and mind on things above, not on things earthly. For above is the prize and here on earth is the race.
Set aside the sins and traps that so easily ensnare us, for we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses. Let us not tarry and fall short of the prize. For the prize indeed is eternal, while the world is mortal."
Sisters, please, let us keep our mind focused on the prize! Let us run this race on earth with all endurance, looking forward to that Day!
Don't tire from the race. For it is a race set before us by our heavenly Father. If He designed for us to run this race, then we must run it with all joy and dedication. Jesus Christ is running right along side us. Is this not cause for joy enough? Remember why we are here: to the glory of God. Share His word, His love, give Him the glory forever and ever. Amen.
"Take your eyes from looking at worthless things, and keep your eyes and mind on things above, not on things earthly. For above is the prize and here on earth is the race.
Set aside the sins and traps that so easily ensnare us, for we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses. Let us not tarry and fall short of the prize. For the prize indeed is eternal, while the world is mortal."
Sisters, please, let us keep our mind focused on the prize! Let us run this race on earth with all endurance, looking forward to that Day!
Don't tire from the race. For it is a race set before us by our heavenly Father. If He designed for us to run this race, then we must run it with all joy and dedication. Jesus Christ is running right along side us. Is this not cause for joy enough? Remember why we are here: to the glory of God. Share His word, His love, give Him the glory forever and ever. Amen.
The Word Amen
I was writing a post just a moment ago, and I had put the word "Amen" at the end. And I wanted to just say that I put it there, for what I feel it means. "Let it be done". I don't say 'Amen' as in a closing of prayer, because I don't want t ever be done. But 'Let it be done' is how I view 'Amen'.
So when you read the next post (notice I say 'when' ;)) know, that the usage of my 'Amen' is like saying 'Let it be done'
Have a beautiful day in Christ!
So when you read the next post (notice I say 'when' ;)) know, that the usage of my 'Amen' is like saying 'Let it be done'
Have a beautiful day in Christ!
Happy Fourth!
Happy Fourth of July to you readers!
May you have a blessed day, celebrating our countries independence!
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance." --Psalms 33:12
May you have a blessed day, celebrating our countries independence!
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance." --Psalms 33:12