Our Beliefs...

Hey girls ,
First I want to say a big thank you to all who have become followers or just showed up to take a quick peek.We hope you enjoyed your time with our random  things we are posting. Well, my friend told me that I am to write about our beliefs. Did you ever hear of the special Man that created light with just words, but powerful words? Or the  same Man who made those cool constellations we study about and pick out on a summer night ? I hope you had and if you did not I hope you come visit and have a burning desire to follow Him. This awesome Man's name is Jesus !!! He is the God that we serve,and we trust that you do to!
   He died on the cross for each of our sins and stayed in the tomb for three whole days. Is that awesome or what ? But then the thing that was unbelievable but believable was he got up out of that grave and rose again!! How GREAT is that . So we serve a risen Savior and if we live right according to the Bible we can go to live with Him FOREVER and receive a reward a CROWN and to JUST BE  WITH HIM FOREVER AND EVER.

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