There's a new site, you might want to check out...

Hello gals!
A reader of this blog, has asked the LOV writers to share about a site that she and her friend have started, by the Lord's prompting. The link is:

I checked it out myself, and it looks like a very nice and helpful site! I encourage, and ask you all to just take a minute and stop by! Thank you :)

3 Responses So Far...Care to Share?:

Meggie said...

Thank you for your support Ladies of Virtue!


Jen said...

Hello! I came across your blog today and will definitely be back again. To introduce myself, I am a stay at home daughter, follower of my Lord Jesus, and my passion is to encourage other young ladies in their calling as daughters and inspire them to impact the world thru their homes and families. You would be very welcome to visit my blog at


Ladies of Virtue said...

Hello Jenna!
Thank you for stopping by and commenting, as well as introducing yourself!
I hope this site blesses you :)
And I will be sure to visit your blog!

In Him,