He is Risen!

Hallelujah! Today is a glorious day. One to be spent praising and glorifying our risen Savior!
I've been reading each gospel's account of the Passover, the crucifixion, the empty tomb and the resurrection, and I really want to encourage you all to do the same. Each passage is found in:
Matthew chapter 26 through chapter 28, Mark chapter 14 through chapter 16, Luke chapter 22 though chapter 24, and John chapter 18 through 21.
I also think it is neat, how that account ends each of those books.
I considered posting one of these accounts, telling of the magnificent story that never grows old, but there is so much to it, that I wouldn't be able to for various reasons.
One thing I do want to add, as you read through those books, is something that Jesus Christ 'told' me that made reading through them, even more fascinating, and...amazing.
"I didn't die on the cross that others might believe, but to die for the sins of the nation, to save them from eternal damnation. That is why I came. That you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly, free from sin that would plague you, if it were not for Me. I came to save you from sin."

I could continue on, posting my personal thoughts and words about this special holiday, but instead I am just going to let you read on your own, and form thoughts of your own.
May the Lord be ever present in your life, now and always!
He is risen indeed.

1 Responses So Far...Care to Share?:

Meggie said...

Amen! What a lovely thought!
